Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International


Please help us complete this collection of European VOICE magazines!

Do you have physical printed European VOICE issues that are not yet listed on this website?

Can you scan these issues, create PDF's yourself, and email them to us?

Or can you send us the physical printed issues by postal mail?

If you want to help, please first email us a list of the languages and numbers of the issues that you can help us with to webmaster@fgbmfivoice.com .

An example list :

Language Number
Slovak 983
Portuguese 934

We will answer you with detailed instructions on how to help.

We ask that you email us first to avoid that multiple people do work on the same issues.

You can usually find the language on the back of the issues, generally in the lower right hand corner, printed vertically. For example :

Snippet showing where the language can be found on the back of the issues

Snippet showing where the language can be found on the back of the issues

You can usually find the issue number inside the booklet on the last page, or sometimes also on the back of the issue together with the language. For example :

Snippet showing where the language can be found on the back of the issues Snippet showing where the language can be found on the back of the issues

Please note that on the pages of this website the issue numbers which are in format YYN are shown converted to format YYYY/N. For example :

Snippet showing where the language can be found on the back of the issues

Snippet showing where the language can be found on the back of the issues

Email : webmaster@fgbmfivoice.com
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